Monday, August 31, 2009

Walking the Planck

M: Oh. Shit. Oh, damn.

B: What is it now, Max?

M: Oh, I've just discovered that light is quantised.

B: Really? That's amazing!!

M: God this is embarassing.

B: No, no that's fantastic!

M: I suppose this will overturn years of scientific thought...

B: I should think so! It will revolutionise the physics of small scale interaction!

M: Shit. This is just like the time I broke the washing machine.

B: Look. Stop it. Can't you just be happy?

M: And I've got this bloody constant everywhere...

B: What constant.

M: Well, that's the thing. It's Planck's constant.

B: Your constant.

M: Yes. See, now everyone is going to know it was me...

Hahahahah.... ah. ah. ah...

1 comment:

  1. g'day there, my name is Micky Kay and I am just wondering if you are a PLANCK - as in surname of course! You have a very interesting blog, and thanks for the look around. Love and Peace, Micky Kay (girl) xoxoxo (Australia)
