Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Parent Trapese...

Brenda: Hi, Mum, Dad... This is Michael.

Mum: Hi Michael! Such a pleasure to meet you at last!

Michael: And you Mr and Mrs Godwit

Dad: Beer? Champagne?

Michael: Oh, not thanks. I don't drink.

Brenda: Michaels a Nazi, aren't you, Michael...

Mum: What?

Michael: No! No... What? Miranda, I'm a Buddhist!

Brenda: What did I say?

Michael: You said I was a Nazi!

Brenda: Oh. Whoops, sorry! Slip of the tongue!

Michael: Yes, well. Just to be clear, I'm a Buddhist. Not a Nazi.

Dad: I'm sure So, any trouble finding the place?

Michael: No, I was fine. Fine.

Brenda: Michael ran over a pensioner.

Michael: No I didn't!

Brenda: Didn't even look back. Ran her over and just kept driving.

Michael: Brenda! What are you saying!

Brenda: I'm explaining why you work in marketing...

Michael: You just accused me of a hit and run murder!

Brenda: Oh, really? I meant to say you're father was in sales...

Michael: They don't even sound the same!

Brenda: I'm sorry, i've been an absolute mess ever since we had that meeting at the bank.

Michael: I hate the jews.


  1. I realise this ending is appalling. I apologise. Any ideas?

  2. I like it, i dont know what the hell is wrong with Brenda though.

    I think what you meant to do with the last line was reverse the "He says Something - She says something awful"
    Perhaps something like; "We werent at the bank - why would you day that - We were at the vet putting a litter of puppies down"
