Monday, August 31, 2009

Walking the Planck

M: Oh. Shit. Oh, damn.

B: What is it now, Max?

M: Oh, I've just discovered that light is quantised.

B: Really? That's amazing!!

M: God this is embarassing.

B: No, no that's fantastic!

M: I suppose this will overturn years of scientific thought...

B: I should think so! It will revolutionise the physics of small scale interaction!

M: Shit. This is just like the time I broke the washing machine.

B: Look. Stop it. Can't you just be happy?

M: And I've got this bloody constant everywhere...

B: What constant.

M: Well, that's the thing. It's Planck's constant.

B: Your constant.

M: Yes. See, now everyone is going to know it was me...

Hahahahah.... ah. ah. ah...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Parent Trapese...

Brenda: Hi, Mum, Dad... This is Michael.

Mum: Hi Michael! Such a pleasure to meet you at last!

Michael: And you Mr and Mrs Godwit

Dad: Beer? Champagne?

Michael: Oh, not thanks. I don't drink.

Brenda: Michaels a Nazi, aren't you, Michael...

Mum: What?

Michael: No! No... What? Miranda, I'm a Buddhist!

Brenda: What did I say?

Michael: You said I was a Nazi!

Brenda: Oh. Whoops, sorry! Slip of the tongue!

Michael: Yes, well. Just to be clear, I'm a Buddhist. Not a Nazi.

Dad: I'm sure So, any trouble finding the place?

Michael: No, I was fine. Fine.

Brenda: Michael ran over a pensioner.

Michael: No I didn't!

Brenda: Didn't even look back. Ran her over and just kept driving.

Michael: Brenda! What are you saying!

Brenda: I'm explaining why you work in marketing...

Michael: You just accused me of a hit and run murder!

Brenda: Oh, really? I meant to say you're father was in sales...

Michael: They don't even sound the same!

Brenda: I'm sorry, i've been an absolute mess ever since we had that meeting at the bank.

Michael: I hate the jews.

Me and the King

King: Knock Knock, King Here.

*door opens*

Fellow: Oh hello King, What do we owe this honour to?

King: Well, I heard you were to be wed tomorrow, I've come to give your fiance my blessing


King: Im here to sleep with your bride

Fellow: hmm... Im new to this kingdom, I should have known you have weird taxes

King: Yes, I know, Its a dreadful bother; Im entitled to the first, and five percent of what ever you get... per anum.

Fellow: I see

King: Compounded monthly

Fellow: Right.

King: Have you heard of the new plumbing system we're installing?

Fellow: No

King: Well we noticed everyone was disposing of their waste in their own seprerate, creative ways. Wasting it if you will. We wont have any of that in this kingdom. We want the lot.

Fellow: Have it

King: Dont fake dismissiveness. I know what you are thinking. Im the most ruthless ruler of them all, arent I? A kingdom where subjects arent even entitled to their business, it's ludicrous! Go on, tell me i'm the worst... come on... tell me....

Fellow: You're the worst

King: Great! I knew it. Oh thats wonderful. Listen, I wont bother blessing your misses tonight, im in too good a mood. But Im still taking my 5 percent, alright?

Fellow: Alright

King: My God im Ruthless.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hmmmmm.... We are doing well, aren't we?

Here in the savannah, we can observe many of the adaptations with which nature has blessed its beasts of the field as they go about their daily business.

Here we see a spangled mole rat applying for an extension on his mortgage. See the way he uses the claws on his powerful hind legs to point out the equity still untapped in his other investments. His family will get that extention they've always wanted.

Here a family of Meerkats is avoiding that annoying aunt that invites herself to dinner. One cat will stand watch by the water feature to alert the others. In this way the family can take it in turns to relax, and organise that album of wedding photos that's just been sitting around the place.

Finally, the carry-over champion of the jungle, the Golden Macaque. He swings effortlessly from singles bar to singles bar, enchanting the females with his stories about the time he met Keanu Reeves at the melbourne cup.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

What was That?

Woman: Why did you make me tell you about all my past boyfriends??

Man: So that I could find out what kind of woman you really are!!! A very good one apprently, Ive been hearing great things

Woman: From who?

Man: Your exes, really great guys. Im surprised you let them go

Woman: Babe, are you kidding?

Man: What? I can be cool about this, I can be "one of the girls"

Woman: Maybe i dont want that

Man: But maybe you do. You most likely do. Guys like girls that are dudie.

Woman: Dudie?

Man: Tell me about your tampons

Woman: How about we go to sleep

Man: I know thats what the guy who's writing this sketch is thinking

Woman: Ooookay... Good night

Man: Good night Baby, I dont think he had any good ideas anyway. Left it too late i think.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Advicium OverReatorum

Mother: You should give your girlfriend some jewelery. Give her a nice golden necklace with a diamond. A small delicate necklace, because she's delicate

Son: Yes Mother but she's also very strong, what should i give her for that? A steel chain and a rock?

Mother: Are you done?

Son: She's also quite sharp Mother, perhaps I could get her a razor blade bracelet? Or a big cow broach for how much of a pushover she is?

Mother: You dont like advice do you?

Moss - time

Albert Mossman likes moss. He is a moss wrangler at the Melbourne Zoo. Actually, he doesn't just LIKE moss. He should probably get some help.

Albert: (to a passer by)
See the moss?

(to another passer by)
Spagnum just coming into rutting season - check out the young sporophytes vying for position

(A woman and a child come up to the enclosure)
Fan of the moss, Mam? The youngster will be interested to see the Bryopsida; a frisky little beast, it punches well above its weight in the social order.

Moss has a social order?

Oh indeed it does. See old silverback there? The Andreaeopsida? He's been top moss for years now, got all the best bits of soil, he has. But then there's Bruno, the Polytrichopsida. He's smart, and strong, and wants to get a taste of the finer things, if you know what I'm saying. Some of the young lady mosses can be quite the tease if you catch my drift... waggling their archegonia about like it's the fall of rome. HA

Are they like lichen?

(Slaps child on back of head. Child falls on face. Lady does not see what happens) Hmya!

Good lord! Jeremy! What happened!

The young man took a tumble. Probably distracted by the vast breadth of the Bryophyta family. It can take them like that, sometimes, the breadth. Anyway, as I was saying...

Lady (Hustling the bewildered child away):
Don't worry Jeremy, we'll go see the Meerkats.

Oh you fucking would, wouldn't you, you tart! Go on, go look at the braindead little rodent twats!

(during this rant the head of the zoo, Mr Phatgibbon, has come onto the stage)

Albert (Seeing Mr Phatgibbon and thinking on his feet):
Oh, Mr Phatgibbon! I was just directing some customers to the gift shop.

Mr Phatgibbon:
I see. Look, Albert... I think we need to have a discussion.

Well, it's not a very good time for me, Sir, got a bit of a rush on at the moment.

Mr P:
Well ... actually you don't. Actually the moss is the least popular exhibit at the zoo. And that's kind of what I'm here about.

OOh, I see, I didn't realise we were running a popularity contest here. I thought we were bringing the wonder of natures beasts to the doorsteps of the people of Melbourne.

Mr P:
Well, ok don't get like that Albert. But say you're right - then we have to deal with the fact that moss isn't technically an animal. And that most people, if they looked, could find an exhibit growing on their doorstep.
You find cats on people's doorsteps. Doesn't stop Fenya with her...

Mr P:
Fenya's lions are the pride of the Zoo.

This is just FUCKING TYPICAL if you'll excuse me sir. You want ears, stupid little paws. Action! Well, if it's action you want, what about the time that Acroschisma escaped and attacked that chinese woman?

Mr P:
There was a significant body of evidence that suggested you were the one who attacked Ms Tan. The zoo was lucky she was too terrified to press charges. Albert, I'm afraid the board has asked me to close the exhibit.

HA! The board. The board can kiss my archegonia.

Mr P:
Albert, this is going to happen. I'll be signing approval papers for an extension to the Meerkat enclosure tomorrow.


Mr P:
Yes, Albert, Meerkats. It's a pity, because I always had a soft spot for lichen (He turns to look out over the Moss enclosure)...

Lichen!!! Lichen!! I'll give you lichen you warm blooded parasite! (He pushes Mr Phatgibbon into the enclosure)

(Sound effect of man being attacked by moss plays. Screams. Occasionally a hand is or a leg is seen being flung up over the edge as Mr Phatgibbon tries desperately to escape. But there is no escape)

That's it, my pretties. Feed! FEEED!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hey Guys

The sketch is still in the works, but i just wanted to tell you guys that i think im gonna go along to the Inquiry screening on Wednesday, check out the scene down there, it sounds like it could be interesting, you guys should tag along, im sure you got sent the email but its at house of SYN this wednesday. May as well check it out.

Peace Out

PS: this is not a sketch


A dance track plays (aerobics style) call and response:

Instructor (Female, enthusiastic): Bah.

Chorus of unruly British lords: Bah.

I: Humbug

C: Hummbug.

I: And slap the servant.

C: (Slapping noises) Buffoon!

I: Fire the butler.

C: Get out you reprobate!

I: And Bah!

C: Bah!

I: Humbug

C: Humbug!

I: Question the decline in public morals
(The next two lines are overlaid)
I: 1,2,3,4

C: What is happening to the youth in this country!

I: And again, this time with disdain!

(The next two lines are overlaid)
I: 1,2,3,4

C (With disdain): What is happening to the youth in this country!

Arts Apart

A band is splitting up. "The Four Maestros" have played their last concert as a 4 piece rock ensemble. Two duos is what they've become. On the left side of the table we have "Maestro & Maestro", and on the right side are sitting "The Maestro Two". They trying to divide the music they made as a quartet in a way that is most beneficial to all members of each twotet.

M&M: "Ok how bout this.... we get the bass line and drum line from each song"
TMT: "But neither of you play the drums"
M&M:"How hard can it be? Im learning as we speak. Bing badda bop bop... ...we can hire a guy"
TMT: "Thats fine. Have 'em. But we get the guitar lines and keyboards"
M&M:"Hey you can't have both rythm guitar AND lead!
TMT:"Yes we can. Yes we can. We can have both"
M&M:"Fine but you're not getting both keyboard hands, we're taking the left. NO! the right!"
TMT:"Done. Who gets Tambourine?"
M&M:"We dont want it"
TMT:"Neither do we"
M&M:"We could auction it off. Could make enough for free lunch.
TMT: "How are we dividing song lyrics?"
M&M: "Look I dont care.. how about we take all the verbs and you guys get the nouns... but we get to keep all the dirty words"
TMT: "What about the pronouns"
M&M: "Keep, thou and they.... we get you and we"
TMT: "we want we"
M&M: "You're not getting we! I will fight this to my death"
TMT: "See you in court!"

Intelligent Design...

Michael Geoffries: Hello, God? It's me, Mr Geoffries.

God: Hello Michael.

MG: I think we'll keep it formal if that's okay.

G: Umm... Okay. Mr Geoffries. How can I help you?

MG: God. I think you can guess the issue here.

G: Is there something wrong with the service?

MG: God, when we hired you to design the species, it was on the understanding that you offered a unique service.

G: Absolutely. Intelligent Design Corp does what nothing else can do.

MG: That was the understanding. The product you have delivered, however, looks like something that was gradually developed by billions of years of evolution.

G: Now look, Billions of Years of Evolution inc cannot possibly do the same work that we can.

MG: Well, all these products are very similar. A lot of the time you seem to show no imagination whatsoever. All these beetles, for example, are more or less the same, and any differences ...

G: Now I resent that. They are unique.

MG: Of course they are. The stag beetle, the black stag beetle, the blackish stag beetle, the charcoal stag beetle. We've been billed for these individually. I put it to you that you subcontracted the entire development to Billions of Years of evolution.

G: Look, you've got a narrow view of the issue. You can't compare a stag beetle to, say, a sheep.

MG: No, but I can compare a sheep to a slightly larger sheep. Or to a goat. All listed here. Where's the range?

G: One word. Squid.

MG: One word. Octopus. Spot the difference.

G: Alright, look, what do you want from me.

MG: Show me some some creativity. Right now. Come up with a new animal.

G: Right now?

MG: Right now.

G: Alright. You know rabbits?

MG: Here we go.

G: Imagine that in black.

MG: You're fired.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The voice of christmas future...

D1: Hello Damien...

D2: Hello? Who is this?

D1: Damien, don't be alarmed... I want you to listen to me carefully Damien.

D2: What are you talking about ... how did you get this number?

D1: Damien... listen to my voice, damien... who do you think this is?

D2: Ohh... gosh ... oh wow... is this Eddie McGuire?

D1: No, damien, it isn't.

D2: Well, I give up then.

D1: Damien... I am you ... I am yourself calling you from ten years in the future.


D1: Yes way, Damien. Yes way.

D2: Get out of town!

D1: Shut up damien. Do you understand what I am telling you...

D2: This is AMAZING

D1: Yes. It is amazing. I imagine you have many questions...

D2: Oh god yes! Like oh... ok, how about this... who wins this season of masterchef?

D1: Is that a serious question?

D2: No... well, i mean, I was just wondering...

D1: Alright, fine, Po wins, now, I have important information for you...

D2: Fuck off. Po? Are you SERIOUS! That BEGGARS BELIEF!

D1: Damien, the only thing that beggars belief here is your stupidity. I am calling from the FUTURE! I can tell you anything. Do you have any other questions?

D2: Ummm... well... oh. No. Not if you're going to be like that.

D1: Sighhhh... Alright, I'm sorry I shouted at you. What's your question.

D2: No... you'll just say it's silly.

D1: I've said I'm sorry, ask the question.

D2: Alright... well, I've always wanted to know the collective noun for ostriches.


*Ring ring*

D2: Hello?

D1: Damien, it's me again, I'm sorry I lost my temper. I've calmed down and I realise what I have to say is more important than...

D2: Is that you Eddie?


So this can end here or it can go further. I feel like it is building up to something that doesn't really ever happen. I do like the idea of someone talking to themselves from the future and just giving really weird/specific advice or something. Maybe the Damien from the future would end up hating himself so much that he gives his past self some advice that would get him killed... Sorry that this is a cop out in that there is no real ending... I wasted a lot of time on a sketch about the tour de france that really didn't go anywhere at all, then I watched Jean Claude Van Damme in 'Time Cop' and wrote this...

Myth Busting Cow, What?

In this episode of Myth Busters, we're making a few changes. We've decided to bust some real myths, Greek Myths, like Myth of the Minotaurand if there's a few minutes left we'll debunk christianity.

*bullshit music to break up intro and segment*

The Minotaur is a terrifying creature from Greek Mythology, Part man, Part bull... Or a potentially less threatening, more arousing hybrid: Part woman, with the head of a cow.

The myth states that Pasiphae, wife of Minos, under spell of God Poisedon, fell madly in love with the Cretan bull. So Pasiphae had Daedalus, the famous architect, make a wooden cow for her so that she could climb inside it and "copulate" with the bull. Presumably, she must have been kneeling right at the back of the wooden beast, with her vagina pressed up through the strategically carved out lady-hole.

In this episode, we will try to bust this myth by two methods:

We will test whether an anatomically-correct hollow cow sculpture could plausibly withstand the weight of a thousand kilos of beef pressing down on it and vigorously thrusting as if possessed by Zeus himself.

Secondly, our staff will try to find out whether or not it is possible for a Bull to actually empregnate a human female. And Vice versa.

And Stick around till the end of the show to find out if Debis' cow-man-child will thrive on meals of human flesh or wither and struggle in this dark stoney labyrinth without a single cud and six hungry stomach.

This thing is so fragmented and needs a lot of work. But its late now, and all im ending up writing about is fucking. Good night!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Drug Deal

A man walks past a dodgy hotdog stand

Customer: Hello, you open for business

Vendor: Always, as long as its business dawg what you need, i can give you what you need

Customer: Yeah hi, id like a hotdog with sauce

Vendor: Alright, i hear you i hear you, with sauce, right i know what you want man. You dont want no hotdog

Customer: i dont

Vendor: Nah man, hotdog is weak man, its weak, this weeks shipment aint right dawg. Youll be paying full price for some wack shit

Customer: But i like hotdogs

Vendor: I know man, i know you do. I know how you hotdog fiends be, you get stuck on the product cant truck no change, get all addicted and shit

Customer: To hotdogs

Vendor: Yeah man, you get mad on that hotdog. But i got something better much better

Customer: Ok, what else do you have in there

Vendor: Back here, i got everything you need playa. I got some shit fresh of the boat from my connek in Mexico nigga, we callin it Burrito

Customer: Well i like Burritos

Vendor: What nigga, how you had Burrito before, you damn sure havent had this Burrito before, its fresh of the boat, Mexico via Columbia nigga

Customer: Columbia?, isnt that along way to go for lunch

Vendor: Lunch? What you mean..... ahhhh lunch, like you got the hunger for Burrito or hotdog, you having it for lunch, you almost lost me on that yo

Customer: .......Right, so ill have a burrito then (puts 5 bucks on the counter)

Vendor: What kind of wack shit is this yo, are you playin me. Coz Lil Big John dont get, oh i see, playa wanna pre tasting i see i see no worries

Customer: Thats really nice of you id love a pre taste like you say.

Vendor puts a burrito on the counter

Customer: Wheres my crack?