Monday, August 24, 2009

Hmmmmm.... We are doing well, aren't we?

Here in the savannah, we can observe many of the adaptations with which nature has blessed its beasts of the field as they go about their daily business.

Here we see a spangled mole rat applying for an extension on his mortgage. See the way he uses the claws on his powerful hind legs to point out the equity still untapped in his other investments. His family will get that extention they've always wanted.

Here a family of Meerkats is avoiding that annoying aunt that invites herself to dinner. One cat will stand watch by the water feature to alert the others. In this way the family can take it in turns to relax, and organise that album of wedding photos that's just been sitting around the place.

Finally, the carry-over champion of the jungle, the Golden Macaque. He swings effortlessly from singles bar to singles bar, enchanting the females with his stories about the time he met Keanu Reeves at the melbourne cup.


  1. I've been thinking, and the idea of animals with mortgages is funny. This can be develop-ed

  2. I would not argue with you there. I like it. My sketch this week should be considered non-existent. I will remove it or change it.

    But this my good man, putting the hum on the beast. Is good.

  3. No! No deletey! It's not perfect, but I think we have to stick behind everything. There is some good in it!

  4. Thats supposed to say:

    Putting the human on the beast.
