Sunday, August 2, 2009

Myth Busting Cow, What?

In this episode of Myth Busters, we're making a few changes. We've decided to bust some real myths, Greek Myths, like Myth of the Minotaurand if there's a few minutes left we'll debunk christianity.

*bullshit music to break up intro and segment*

The Minotaur is a terrifying creature from Greek Mythology, Part man, Part bull... Or a potentially less threatening, more arousing hybrid: Part woman, with the head of a cow.

The myth states that Pasiphae, wife of Minos, under spell of God Poisedon, fell madly in love with the Cretan bull. So Pasiphae had Daedalus, the famous architect, make a wooden cow for her so that she could climb inside it and "copulate" with the bull. Presumably, she must have been kneeling right at the back of the wooden beast, with her vagina pressed up through the strategically carved out lady-hole.

In this episode, we will try to bust this myth by two methods:

We will test whether an anatomically-correct hollow cow sculpture could plausibly withstand the weight of a thousand kilos of beef pressing down on it and vigorously thrusting as if possessed by Zeus himself.

Secondly, our staff will try to find out whether or not it is possible for a Bull to actually empregnate a human female. And Vice versa.

And Stick around till the end of the show to find out if Debis' cow-man-child will thrive on meals of human flesh or wither and struggle in this dark stoney labyrinth without a single cud and six hungry stomach.

This thing is so fragmented and needs a lot of work. But its late now, and all im ending up writing about is fucking. Good night!


  1. Concept is solid, i think if you spent some really time working on it it could improve alot. Funny conxept though as i said. Next week, was it possible that thor's hammer could conduct lightning at will

  2. This is great Al, love the 'busting greek myths' concept. Give this to the good people at the Chaser and they would probably have dragged out the show to another eight seasons.

    As I say, great concept. Sexy stuff might be pushed a bit far but good work. I'm going to read it again and again.

  3. Hello there... Took the liberty of a quick rewrite. Not much has changed. What a dickhead,


    Last week on Myth Busters we proved that it would have been physically impossible for a confederate space shuttle to have reached the moon in the american civil war. This week we get classical and test the big daddy of myths: The Greek Myth of the Minotaur....

    *bullshit music to break up intro and segment*

    Legend has it that the minotaur at Crete was a terrifying beast from, Part man, Part bull, although some claim to have witnessed a potentially less threatening, more arousing hybrid: Part woman, with the head of a cow.

    The myth states that Pasiphae, wife of Minos, under spell of God Poisedon, fell madly in love with the Cretan bull. So Pasiphae had Daedalus, the famous architect, make a wooden cow for her so that she could climb inside it and "copulate" with the bull. Presumably, she must have been kneeling right at the back of the wooden beast, with her vagina pressed up through the strategically carved out lady-hole. The ruse was a success and nine months later she was the proud mother of a ravenous nine hundred pound beast that looked like an extra from a teenage mutant ninja turtles film.

    In this episode, we will try to bust this myth by three methods...

    First up, Adam and Jamie will test whether an anatomically-correct hollow cow sculpture could plausibly withstand the weight of a thousand kilos of beef pressing down on it and vigorously thrusting as if possessed by the horny spirit of Zeus himself.

    Meanwhile Grant, Tori and Kari from the build team will try to find out whether or not it is possible for a Bull to actually impregnate a human female. And Vice versa.

    Stick around till the end of the show to find out if Debis' cow-man-child will thrive on meals of human flesh or wither and struggle in this dark stony labyrinth without a single cud and six hungry stomachs.
